I noticed after I saved it that the photos aren’t in order of how I made them across the row. Instead, you’ll have to look down the first row, then down the second. That’s dumb. I’ll try to remember not to use autofill next time on Picmonkey. I’m not going to worry about it now.
30 paintings in 30 days is finished!!!! Here’s to 30 or more in February!! Yeah!! Oh, I’m never gonna stop..never!!!! I’ve been painting (most) every day since 2008, not gonna stop now. š
Funny thing..someone found me on Etsy by searching for “watercolor of man with beard and planets meditating”. Whut?? I had to laugh. Number one..I don’t use watercolors, and number two..planets meditating??? WHAT???!!! Planets mediate???? I had nooo idea. I want to see that painting!!!!! I know I will LOVE it. lol
I did an acrylic portrait of a man with a beard. Whoever was searching must have been so disappointed. Oh, well..it’s not my day to save the world.
Never Hurts to Laugh
and I’m laughing!!
I’m really laughing!!!
and I’m laughing!!
I’m really laughing!!!
That’s it for me, folks.