9×6, floral, acrylic on watercolor paper
Available here
Small to large prints available here
Cottonwood Falls, KS
There are no easy answers, there’s only living through the questions.
Elizabeth George
Mixed Media Artist - daily painter of portraits, flowers, abstracts and birds
9×6, floral, acrylic on watercolor paper
Available here
Small to large prints available here
If you don’t build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs.
Tony Gaskins
Pretty sunrise hit me in the face when I stepped into my shipping room yesterday morning, so I had to take its picture. Since I’m running low on words lately, and I get bored easily, I love to have to change things up a bit. I’m thinking of posting a daily photo below my daily painting. It will be sorta like Instagram without all the ads and bs. I’m beginning to loathe all social media sites, can you tell? Don’t even get me started!! Which is why I’m here on my blog, doing my own thing most of the time. I like being in my own little bubble. Anyway, I’m throwing the idea at the wall, and we’ll see if it sticks..if I remember..if, if, if.
9×6, floral, acrylic on watercolor paper
Available here
Small to large prints available here
Blogging everyday is starting to catch up with me. The days are starting to all smoosh together, and I’m hurrying through each entry. No time to write. I thought today I would slow down a bit. How hard is it to post a photo or two?
Spring-like weather arrived a couple weeks ago. Did I mention it was 85F one day last week? I’m not a fan of hot weather, but I have to say, it enticed me to spend a few extra minutes sitting on the back porch, listening to the birds. This week is not as warm, but it still makes me want to play hooky. I think I have spring fever.
acrylic on watercolor paper, 9×6, floral, price $80
Available here
Small to large prints available here
Take wrong turns. Talk to strangers. Open unmarked doors. And if you see a group of people in a field, go find out what they are doing. Do things without always knowing how they’ll turn out. Randall Munroe
acrylic on watercolor paper, floral, 6×9
Available here
Small to large prints of this painting are available here
Reading and soaking in every word: Let Everything Breathe by Leo Babauta of Zen Habits
Listening to: Automatic for the People REM. It’s an oldie, but will never get old to me. I still own the CD.
Watching: the last 7 episodes of Mad Men on Netflix..finally. We’ve all been waiting, and it took long enough. I still wish it didn’t have to end, tho. It’s one of my favorite shows. I have my husband hooked on it now, and I’m rewatching it with him. I think he’s on season 2, but I’m going to Netflix cheat on him, and watch the ending. Shh!
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