Happiness is the art of making a bouquet of those flowers within reach.
Bob Goddard
Acrylic palette knife painting
Flower Series 36
Original painting is available here
12×12 Giclee prints are here
Mixed Media Artist - daily painter of portraits, flowers, abstracts and birds
Acrylic palette knife painting
Red flowers in a water glass
Flower Series No 35
Original painting available here
Giclee prints available here
I couldn’t get a really good image with my camera. I picked the best photos, but I’m not happy with them. In reality, the flowers look like candy apples you get at the county fair. I have to resist breaking off a piece, and eating it. Really pretty red.
You also can’t feel the texture through the camera lens. The best I can explain it to you is it feels like soft glass. I don’t believe I’ve ever felt glass that is soft before, and you probably haven’t either, so you’re just gonna have to trust me on this, okay? The flowers look like candy apples, and feel like soft glass. It is best viewed in person with your own eyes.
Palette knife painting
Big white roses in a water glass
Flower Series No 33
Giclee prints are available HERE
Why I want to keep going after 30 paintings in 30 days..
Make your mistakes, take your chances, look silly, but keep on going. Don’t freeze up.
Thomas Wolfe
I’ve decided that painting every day and making myself blog is easier than getting artist block, and freezing up. Waaay easier. I’ve gone through artist block a few times, and it’s rough. I’m worse than a bear to live with. Grrrr!! It makes you feel like you’re worthless, washed up, a has been, and you’ll never paint again. The days are dark, and all you do is sit around having a pity party for yourself. I HATE when it happens. I’d do anything to prevent it from happening again, and I’m convinced the way to avoid artist block is to keep pushing on through every single day.
Sure there were days last month when I didn’t want to paint, and certainly didn’t want to blog, but I did it anyway. Doing something even if you don’t feel like it is not only the grownup thing to do, but it makes you keeping stepping ahead, one foot in front of the other. If you keep moving forward, no matter the speed, even if it’s just a tiny painting and a two sentence blog post, at least you’re doing it. You’re not sitting there hating on yourself, right? You’re not stuck in a rut. You can’t beat yourself up because you tried. So, that’s why I’m gonna keep pushing on through every day.
Palette knife painting
Flower series No 32
Purple flowers in a tall white vase
9×12 on canvas
Original painting is available HERE
Back in the old days on the internet, about the only thing you could do is IRC chat in chat rooms. There weren’t many web sites at that time, so the big thing was to talk to people all over the country, and make new friends. I was living in Maine, and talking to someone in Tennessee was a HUGE deal. The biggest question I was asked was where I lived.
I remember I would make my background color black, and have lime green color font in my chatbox. When I was painting this one, that’s all I could think about..those old chat rooms, and how easy it was to get kicked out of one. haha And, oh, how those old monitors really killed my eyes (technically, “eye” because I’m blind in my left, but it looks weird to write it. You might think I’m a cyclops or something). And, on that note, I’m outta here! Sweet Pea’s got her head stuck in a tiny box, so I’ve got to go help her anyway. (technically, I helped her before writing that last sentence, but it sounds funnier the way I wrote it, so I’m leaving it alone)
Palette knife painting
Flower Series No 31
12×12 inch giclee prints available here
Now that the 30 paintings in 30 days is over, my blogging time has changed. I was writing late at night, and posting on Leslie’s blog at 2am, my time, because that’s when she posted each day. That way, I got it out of the way, and when I woke up, I didn’t need to think about blogging immediately. Now that I’m back on my schedule, I won’t be staying up quite so late, and I’ll be scheduling my posts for later in the morning.
Little Princess stole my chair.
I had to type on my lap.
One thing I missed while doing the 30/30 is posting photos. I’m not sure why I stopped. I think the pressure got to me. lol Just kidding.
Acrylic palette knife painting
Flower Series No 30
Original painting is available HERE
12×12 giclee prints are available, also.
So far, Fall has been disappointing. It’s been in the high 80s, low 90s with nasty humidity. :/ The leaves have turned yellow, and are falling off the trees, but not because it’s been chilly. Looks are deceiving. It doesn’t feel like Fall, yet it looks like Fall, if you look out the window. We’re still wearing shorts, and running the ac. Still hoping for better weather, and by “better” I mean a high of 45-50F. That is what I consider a perfect day.