8×12 print available here
Do you see a butterfly in my paint cup?
Kansas sunset taken a couple weeks ago
bubble floating in the water running down my street
Mixed Media Artist - daily painter of portraits, flowers, abstracts and birds
8×12 print available here
Do you see a butterfly in my paint cup?
Kansas sunset taken a couple weeks ago
bubble floating in the water running down my street
The High Road
Blue and orangey red abstract painting
Available for purchase here
Looking out any window
black and white abstract figure painting
art journal page
Big Red Fred
I haven’t posted photos of Fred in a long while because he’s been staying downstairs. It’s too hot and stuffy up here in the studio these days, but the downstairs is nice and cool. I’m thinking of taking this old couch out to the curb in a couple weeks, and replacing it with a recliner. Our city yard sale day is coming up soon, and I’m hoping I can find a new chair. Poor Fred. His couch potato days may be over. :/ Sorry, Buddy, but this couch has got to be the most uncomfortable piece of furniture I’ve ever owned. Seriously. It’s got to go.
I took this photo a few days ago. We’ve had a stormy weekend. Rain, wind, hail, and threats of tornadoes continue today.
He Wore the Clothes You Wanted
Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.
Rabindranath Tagore
First Class
9×12 acrylic collage portrait painting on canvas panel
Available for purchase here
I’ve closed comments on posts that are older than 2 weeks, which is a nice little WordPress setting that I like very much. Lately, spammers have been comment bombing old posts, sometimes sending me 100’s comments on one post at a time. It seems that once one spammer comments on a post, a whole slew of them swoop in or maybe it’s all the same spammer using different email addresses. Are spammers even real people? Idk. Whatever the case, it leads to far too many comments to weed through. I don’t feel like dealing with it, so no mas!
Have a great weekend! I’ll see you on Monday.
If you leave a comment, please be sure to include your blog link, so I can visit you in return. 🙂
I Hear You Calling
9×12 inch print
Available for purchase here
old dirt road
I don’t know what it is about these old dirt roads, but I do hear them calling my name, if I stay away for too many days.
School Girl
black and white portrait painting
Available for purchase here
paint cups
She Won’t Let go
girl and her chicken portrait painting
Prints now available here
This time I was spying on him.
Red haired girl taking a big bite out of her watermelon portrait painting
Prints are now available here
Happy PPF, if you’re visiting on Friday. I haven’t been around to party for a couple weeks, so be sure to click on the banner up there, and scroll down to see what else I’ve been up to lately.
If you leave a comment, please be sure to include a link to your blog to make it easier to visit you. If I have to go look for your blog link somewhere in my bookmarks or in my blog reader, there’s a reallllllllly good chance I’ll get distracted, and never make it to your blog. My intentions are good, but I have the attention span of a gnat. No link with your comment = me probably not going to visit.
This is the far corner that rarely gets seen on my blog, mostly because that’s where my laptop sits.
I have spent a small fortune in Stabilo pencils.
This is just a small collection that needed sharpening.
one of my many art journals
You know how I keep saying my acrylics dry out even when I fill the cups full of water?
My studio is too hot, and dry.
This is the reason I switched to oils.
Linking to What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday
Listening/watching : Bon Iver
If you leave a comment, please be sure to include a link to your blog to make it easier to visit you. If I have to go look for your blog link somewhere in my bookmarks or in my blog reader, there’s a reallllllllly good chance I’ll get distracted, and never make it to your blog. My intentions are good, but I have the attention span of a gnat. No link with your comment = me probably not going to visit. Sad, but true fact.
9×12 Pink Party Dress
girl and bird painting
Oil Figure Painting
Available for purchase here
About this painting: This wintry vision I have in my head comes from a vivid memory I have of my Mom, and how she would tell me to stand outside in the snow with a tiny piece of bread on my hand. She said if I was quiet and still enough, a bird would land on me, and I would get to feed him. aw! How I wanted that to happen!!
This is the eleventh time I’ve painted this painting, and each time it comes out slightly different. This is the first time I’ve painted it in oils.
This last photo shows what the painting might look like framed to help you visualize it. The frame isn’t included in the purchase of this painting. I don’t offer any framing services.
Progress always involves risk; you can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.
F.W. Dupee
I woke up early, really early, like before 5am early. Killer backache. :/ I’m better now, but I had to get up, and move around. I’m still plugging away at this boy in oils. I fixed his eyes and the shadow on his neck this morning. I think I messed his nose up in the process, but it’s an easy fix. I’m not sure where I’m going with it next. The reference photo I’m using is black and white, so I’m making up his skin color as I go along. Sometimes, I think I nail it, but other It’s going to take a while. When it’s finished I’ll gather all the progress shots together into one post.
pouty face
art journal page
Fun, very short video = less than a minute long
After we got back from the city last night, Greg and I drove out to the country to watch the sunset. We didn’t have a complete 360 view, which I prefer, but it was about 180. Tonight, I’m going to drive north a little bit, and then west, until I find the perfect spot to park. Last night I ran out of time, so had to stop in someone’s cul de sac. haha But, it was worth it. The sky was putting on a show, I tell you. It was fabulous to watch.
Did you know my first love, long before I started painting, was photography? Oh, how we change, yet stay the same, huh? It’s a wonderful time of year to rediscover my big clunky Nikon, I think. I have missed her. One of our favorite things to do on sultry nights is jump in the car, and go. It’s suppose to be 97F 100F today, so when it starts to get dark, imagine Greg and I out there chasing down the setting sun. 🙂