Original acrylic portrait painting
Girl with eyes closed, head bent
Available for purchase here
Day 22 of 30 paintings in 30 days
Mixed Media Artist - daily painter of portraits, flowers, abstracts and birds
RIP Lola
Died January 20th, 2014
We never knew her birthday or we would have celebrated it every year, like we do for Sweet Pea. We think she was 12 years old, but we’re not sure. We met her on Valentine’s Day 2009. I called her my little Valentine, of course.
Is that not ridiculous? Seeing these photos again made me laugh. Fred is too much with the paw out in front of him like that, so he doesn’t fall out of bed. 🙂
Lola one ear up, just woke up
I always loved that underbite she had..aww.
She often had only one ear up, and I always accused her of half listening to what I said. 😉
It doesn’t surprise me that she passed away in the winter. She always hated this season, and her little body could never get warm. I used to pile doggy blankets on her, and she’d still look miserable. She finally allowed me to put a heating pad under her. For the longest time, she wouldn’t sleep on one, and I’d find her on the bare floor, beside her bed, shaking and freezing cold because she wouldn’t sleep on a heating pad. Isn’t that just the silliest thing? I’d have it on the lowest setting, and it wasn’t too hot, I checked!! But, there was something about it, she hated..even though she couldn’t even see it. I’d hide it under her blanket. sigh. She certainly had a personality all her own, and I’ll miss her very much.
Goodbye my Valentine. Finally you can rest.
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
Prints are available here
Inspiration for the title comes from Lynn Anderson’s song Rose Garden.
I remember my mother listening to this album on her “record player” when I was a kid. 🙂 She always loved this song, and would sing along. My mother had a beautiful voice, something I didn’t inherit from her, unfortunately. haha
I don’t know why, but the roses in this painting reminded me of my Mom, and then this song just popped into my head out of nowhere. I haven’t heard it in YEARS, but now I have this precious memory to cherish. I had completely forgotten how Mom used to sing along. sigh. I love how sudden flashbacks can bring so much happiness. Hearing this song again, brought a big smile to my face. I miss my mother every day.
Happy PPF!