Oh that Sweet Pea..such an aggressive little thing. She LOVES to fight, as you can see in this video.
I learned something new about Maude recently. Whenever I played “feather” with them (it’s a handmade cat toy: dowel with bird feathers on it that Greg picks up while hiking) in the past, Maude would always sit on the sidelines. She would watch, but never play. Well, one day I upped the speed, and BAM. She was in the game immediately, her little head bobbing back and forth, like in the video. heehee
Poor Harold is afraid of feather when it goes fast, and he runs and hides behind the door. He’s always been a little scaredy cat. Poor baby Harball. He needs the most comforting out of the three of them, and he misses me horribly whenever I leave the room. He cries nonstop until I return. Greg calls him “Momma’s boy” (he has sooo many nicknames), and that’s okay with us, right, Harold? Aww..I really love my boy. :))) Look at the size of that paw. He’s going to be sooooo big when he’s full grown.