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Mixed Media Artist - daily painter of portraits, flowers, abstracts and birds
Katie Jeanne Wood
yellow & purple art journal page
I continue to explore new paint palettes by using Bob Burridge’s color wheel. Yellow, purple, and teal was what I picked for these pages, and tbh, it’s not my favorite. I’m not sure what I could do to make it better..maybe add some white?
For now, I’m just going to keep moving on. I realized when I started doing this project that I wasn’t going to love all my pages because I’m working with some colors that don’t exactly strike my fancy, and that’s okay. The whole point of painting every day for me right now is to experiment, and try new things.
I’m still trying to make friends with purple, and the color wheel called for blue-purple, and red-purple. It was a challenge. I found out I prefer a pastel shade of purple. I recently created a yellow abstract with light violet in it that I’m going to be offering for sale soon, and I absolutely adore it.
I’m considering this exercise a success because I was using different colors, even though I don’t care for the outcome. You’ll never know unless you try..and I did, and now I know.
And hey, I’m filling up art journals fast by painting every day. Three books are completely finished, and three more are almost finished. I’m going to need a new book soon.
Did you know Five Below has watercolor books and mixed media books for only $5? They also sell a pack of 18 brushes for the same price. I haven’t tried these yet, but I’m going to order some soon. I’ll let you know if I like them.
What I’m watching: Fantastic Fungi – I don’t like mushrooms, but this documentary was pretty amazing.
Katie Jeanne Wood
lime green orange
art journal page
I used a brayer again on these pages, and I like how grungy it looks. Not sure if these pages are done yet or not. I kinda like them as they are, but I’m also thinking they could use more layers. I’m always going back into my art journals and changing things.
Your work is to discover your world
and then with all your heart
give yourself to it.
Artists & art sites I’ve been admiring: Trish Beckham, The Woman Gallery, Raw Vision, Anne Marie Grgich, The Healing Power of Art and Artists, Richard Clifford Diebenkorn Jr
Watching: Finished Atypical last week, and now I feel bad for saying it wasn’t my favorite season..even though technically it wasn’t. The last episode made up for it, tho, and had me tearing up a little. I’m sad that it’s over.
I went back into my comfort zone, and chose lighter colors for a few art journal pages. Even though I’ve enjoyed exploring a different color palette lately, tbh, I have missed my usual pastel palette.
Katie Jeanne Wood
Pink dotted (spotted?) art journal page
I was painting in the studio with my husband last week (I’m so happy he’s getting back into painting again), and I mentioned something to him about painting with darker colors in my abstracts, and he said, “I don’t know why? You’re just gonna cover it up with white or pink paint anyway.” I laughed so hard. He knows me well..or does he? hm..I actually like these pages, and will probably let them be.
Katie Jeanne Wood
Purple green art journal pages
One last thing, before I go..I need to shout WooHOO!! so you might want to cover your ears. The upcoming movie that I told you will have three pieces of my artwork in it is getting some press. It’s still in post production, so it might be a while, but it’s definitely happening. I can’t wait to see my art hanging in Charlie’s (Brendan Fraser) apartment. Soon!!
Have a lovely weekend! It’s gonna be another hot one here. I’ll be in the studio, trying not to melt. xo
Katie Jeanne Wood
Blue green teal art journal page
I’ve been experimenting with darker colors lately, which is outside my comfort zone, so I wasn’t sure I could pull it off. If you’ve been following my blog you probably know I’ve been painting with light pastel colors, mostly pinks and blues, for years now.
You’ll never know if you don’t try..which is what I always say to anyone who writes to me and asks for advice. So, when I was thinking about mixing things up a bit, first by painting abstracts this summer, and then by changing my color palette, it’s also the same advice I gave myself. I’m glad I listened.
I was using Bob Burridge‘s color wheel to test out some different color combinations, and for this page purple was my dominate color..or maybe it was supposed to be my focal point? I forget now. I’ve created a lot of art since then.
I don’t follow his wheel exactly, but instead use it as guidance. I often mix a few of my own colors in with his, and it seems to work. I’ll be offering these pages as prints as soon as I get them scanned and edited in Photoshop.
I hope you’re having a lovely Tuesday. Can you believe it’s August already? Yikes!! The past couple nights have actually been chilly. Leaves are starting to yellow, and fall off the trees already, I noticed a couple days ago. It’s most likely from the hot temperatures during the day, and little rain, but still. I feel a season change coming soon.
Delicious juicy peaches from Michelle’s tree.
Soooo grateful that she shared them.
I savored every bite.
If you want to use this photo to paint the peaches,
feel free.
I’d love to see your painting,
so be sure to leave a comment
or message me.
I haven’t mentioned it in a while, but I still have a sale going on in my Etsy shop. Some paintings are marked down 50% or more. I keep adding to it, so check it out if you’re looking to refresh your wall space.
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Whenever I sit down at my art table I can never find my glasses. I decided to start the morning off by cleaning the table, and found these babies buried under piles of collage papers, and tubes of paint. Oy!
New color combo
that I found by using up
leftover paint from
my husband’s paint palette.
This is part of an email I sent to my dear artist friend – milady Wanda, this morning because I knew she’d understand..
I’ve been busy painting up a know those times when you’re completely in the zone, and it’s magical, and you like most everything you create? And, you’re open to exploring new ways of creating, new colors, new approach..that’s the place I’m in lately, which is why I’m so quiet. It’s been a while since this has happened..I’ve been quite bored, and stuck. But, I’m back to seeing the pure joy in creating art..thank GOODNESS!!! I’m covered in paint, and making soooooo much art.. I almost feel dizzy from the high I’m on. lol I’ll be back. 🙂 xoxoxoxoxo
Ah, yes..that “zone” all artists know about, and love. It does feel quite magical when the creative highs hit, and you get starry-eyed whenever you look at your work. It usually doesn’t last long, and we’re back to overly criticizing our work, beating ourselves up, and disliking everything we paint. I’m gonna ride this high as long as I can.
Still under a heat advisory through Saturday at 9pm. It’s gonna be between 104 and 107F again today with high humidity. Shuuu! I hope it’s cooler where you are, and that you have a creatively fun weekend. xo
What I’m watching: Atypical Season 4 – I hate to be negative about a series I’ve absolutely adored, but tbh, this isn’t my favorite season. Maybe it’s just me?
Downton Abbey for the 4th or 5th time. I keep starting this one over from the beginning because for some reason I can’t seem to get through the entire series. I’m determined to watch to the end this time.
Tara Brach interviews Natalie Goldberg: Writing and Haiku as Spiritual Practice – I’m a huge fan of Natalie Goldberg. I’ve read several of her books, and she inspired me to study Zen Buddhism years ago.
Caught a Bus Out of Town
Abstract painting prints
Available here
I had work dreams last night, and don’t feel all that rested today because of it. I was busy painting abstracts all night, so it’s no wonder. I was hustling and bustling around, working up a storm.
© Katie Jeanne Wood
Writing on the Wall
Red Yellow abstract print
I think this new direction I’m going in with painting abstracts is the cause of my restless night. I haven’t had work dreams in years, and usually only do when I’m excited about a series I’m working on.
Wonderful Bonding Experience
Abstract painting print
Available here
I have fallen deeply in love with painting abstracts once again. So much so that I’m thinking of concentrating on abstracts and florals for much longer than just these summer months. I don’t want to rush, and it’s already almost August.
There Are Many Ways To Be Free
Purple abstract prints
Available here
There are so many color combinations that I haven’t tried yet. Like, I’m just starting to use purple in my abstracts, and unlike when I’m painting portraits, I’m finding the color quite lovely to work with now.
Floral No 105
The original painting has been sold.
Small to large prints
Available here
I also want to explore painting more florals. I only have painted 354 of them, and it doesn’t feel like enough. There’s so much more I need to experiment with..painting looser and more abstract are what I have in mind.
Clearing Ahead
Cool Blue and White Abstract Painting
Prints available
This cool blue abstract reminds me of winter. Maybe if I stare at it long enough today, it will lower my body temperature, and cool the room. At 8:30 this morning it was 80F, and the “feels like” temperature was 90. There should be a law against it being this hot before noon. The air was so thick with humidity, it was like a sauna out there. I watered the gardens quickly, and rushed back indoors. I can’t do summer today. I’ll be hiding in my darkened studio, trying not to melt, if anyone needs me.
PS: All my prints now have a canvas print option in the drop down menu on Etsy. Click any of the links under these photos, and choose canvas print before checkout. If you want to purchase a framed print, you’ll have to message me, and I’ll put up a listing for you.
It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.
Vincent Van Gogh
You might as well ask an artist to explain his art, or ask a poet to explain his poem. It defeats the purpose. The meaning is only clear through the search.
Rick Riordan