I’m going to leave you with one of my videos to watch. Don’t forget to subscribe, and I’ll keep making more. 🙂
Mixed Media Artist - daily painter of portraits, flowers, abstracts and birds
I’m going to leave you with one of my videos to watch. Don’t forget to subscribe, and I’ll keep making more. 🙂
This is a good example of how I tried to make friends with purple, but didn’t succeed. I painted 3 others like this a couple years ago. They’ve all now been revised.
Not only did I revise it, but I also dropped the price.
Was $75. Now $60 for a limited time only.
Available here
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 192
Have a great super bowl weekend! I won’t be watching, but I hope your favorite team wins. I, too, can’t wait for Sunday because it’s suppose to snow here, which is what I’ve been looking forward to for days now. 🙂 See you next week.
This one didn’t need a lot of revising, imo, but it did need some. I like it much better now that the flower doesn’t blend so much into the background.
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 191
Available here
Prints are available here
And just like that..another month has ended, and a new one has begun. January was my favorite month of daily painting by far. I was able to record a bunch of videos, and get my youtube channel going again. Really happy about that because it’s been sitting there neglected for six months.
I also was able to find a nice groove doing the 365 day project, finally. I didn’t realize how much I was struggling with it until I wasn’t anymore. I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders when I started going with the natural organic flow of the day, every day, rather than having a rigid theme to follow. I’m so much happier now.
Your life is the manifestation of your dream;
it is an art.
You can change your life anytime if
you aren’t enjoying the dream.
– don Miguel Ruiz
So, no theme, no pressure to finish a painting daily, and no daily blogging are my new “rules” for the remainder of the 365 day project. I work best when I don’t box myself in like that.
So, here’s to month 7 of painting daily, which is magically spread out before me. This month I hope to get some more paintings revised, and perhaps give my art journal some attention. Nothing crazy. I’m pacing myself because I have 5 more months to go before I get a day off.
What do you hope to accomplish during this short winter month in your studio? Let me know in the comments below.
Linking to PPF.
Winter white acrylic abstract painting
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 188
Oh, the glamorous life of a working artist. I know I’m going to make all the wannabe artists extremely jealous by posting this today, but I’m gonna do it anyway..just to taunt them. ;))) First up is this..
ACK!! Wouldja look at this never ending mess going on in my office. Stacks of finished paintings everywhere. I’m so used to seeing them, I almost don’t anymore. Just as soon as I get through one, I have another one staring me in the face. sigh.
I’ve had my nose to the grindstone – hardcore – trying to get these puppies listed in my various online shops. I also have two more huge stacks which are trying to outtower each other on my desk. It’s all down to which stack is going to topple first at this point. And the winner is..stack number ___.
I somehow managed to get through the stack on the left last week. All the photos have been edited – 3 photos per painting, plus the high resolution photo for printing. I didn’t count, but that’s A LOT of photos. When I say Photoshop is my bitch best friend, I ain’t kidding. Sadly, I spend more time editing photos in PS, and doing computer work than I do actually painting.
The Etsy listings for the originals and prints have been written, although most are still in draft mode in my dashboard. Because there are so many of them, I will be rolling them out gradually over the next few months. Whew! Now I just have to sleeve each one, and get it into storage until it sells. Onward I go, make it stop, please!! next pile, please!!
Linking to What’s on your workdesk
Three large acrylic abstract paintings
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 189 – 190
According to internet standards, I shouldn’t be showing this photo, but I feel no shame in keeping it real. I figure if people want to look at fake, staged, pristine art studios they’ll go buy a magazine or they’ll open their IG app. I’m too busy working to clean up this mess, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
Those three large paintings in the photo are finished now, and will be traveling downstairs to get photographed. They’ll be available just as soon as I’m able to get the photos taken, and edited, which might be never if I don’t shut up and get moving. lol
And, just like that, another month of daily painting is behind me. I’m going to jot down my thoughts about January, and what I’ve learned in my next post. Stay tuned.
She Won’t Let Go No 2
Oil portrait painting
Girl and her chicken
Prints are available here
You might remember this one from last summer. I ended up finishing this oil portrait painting months ago, but I neglected to write a blog post about it.
She Won’t Let Go No 1 resides in Germany. The difference between the two paintings is great. The first one I did while I was taking a class with Misty Mawn years ago. Our assignment was to paint an animal. I’m not sure why I picked a chicken, but I did. I think I actually wanted to paint my favorite animal, a cat, but I know I’m not good at painting cats, so it stopped me from trying.
The first one was painted in acrylics. This one started out being painted in acrylics, but I quickly switched over to oils after the first layer. The acrylics just weren’t cutting it for this piece. It demanded a more sophisticated look, so oils it had to be.
Speaking of oils, I’ve been having trouble holding myself back from using them lately, but it’s usually something I use during the spring and summer months only. I like to have a bit of ventilation when I’m painting in oils because they give me a headache. Now that the weather has warmed back up into the 50s, 60s, and almost 70 the other day, I just might crack a window, and have at it. I need a fix.
Here’s a video of me painting the girl and her chicken. I’m linking to it just in case it doesn’t come through in the email for my subscribers. Speaking of subscribing, if you haven’t subscribed to my youtube channel then you’re missing out. I’ve been on a roll, and have been uploading a video every couple days. I don’t always remember or feel it’s necessary/relevant to post every video I make here. It’s best if you subscribe, so you don’t miss out.
Also, if you haven’t subscribed to my blog, you can do so below.
Fly Off the Edge
Acrylic abstract painting
Prints are available here
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 186
You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.
The short winter days are beginning to blur, and blend together. I’m always saying to my husband, “What day is today anyway?” He isn’t much help. He thought it was Thursday all day Friday. haha! It’s hard to keep track as one day slips into the next, especially with the crazy artist hours I keep.
Sometimes, like last night, I’m working through the night until the wee hours of the morning. I greeted 3am with a huge HELLO, and was still super hyper, and as passionate about art as I was at 6:20 am when I woke up the day before. Whew! Getting really close to working around the clock. Crazy, I know, but my energy is through the roof. I have all but quit drinking caffeine (only 1 cup of watered down coffee in the morning these days, then I switch to herbal teas, water, and apple cider vinegar tonic). I’m convinced having an overabundance of energy is all about diet, but I digress. lol
Before Dark
Black & white acrylic abstract painting
Prints are available here
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 187
I haven’t been doing much outside of painting, filling orders, filming and editing lots of youtube videos, and playing with the cats. Even though that might sound boring to some, I know I have a nice life. A good, honest life. And not a day passes that I don’t feel grateful for that.
To insure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life. – William Londen
I forgot to add this video last time I posted. Oops! You can see the art journal page here.
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 185
Reading: I found this cool site called Vintage Junk Journals that I’ve been perusing. Lots of great information there if you’re thinking about starting an art journal or even if you’re been keeping an art journal for years, like me.
Those of you with WordPress blogs who have been leaving comments..thank you! I appreciate you stopping by, and I would love to visit you in return, but this is what I’m seeing whenever I click on the link to your blog. I don’t know if your blog is actually protected or if this is some kind of WordPress bug, but I’m stuck behind this wall.
I’m linking to Art Journal Journey for this post.
Taking a Position
Acrylic portrait painting
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 183
Prints are available here
Success seems to be largely a matter
of hanging on after others have let go.
– William Feather
I often wonder what she’s thinking about when she stares at me so intently. I think most of the time she’s plotting to kill me in my sleep, but I could be wrong. lol
This is the acrylic abstract painting from last month getting sealed with Dorland’s wax. I’ll have it available as soon as I edit the photos, and get it listed.
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 184
Reading: Family Shares Photoshop Fail of Professional Portraits Gone Hilariously Wrong – I didn’t realize this had gone viral, but when I showed it to my husband he immediately said “FAKE NEWS”. I don’t know..what do you think?