Birdy on Her Head No 7
Birdy on Her Head No 7
Girl and chickadee bird
Portrait painting
8×10 inches on canvas panel
Available for purchase here
Palette knife portrait painting
Happy as a clown
This is a palette knife portrait painting, which I filmed my painting, so I’ll have a video coming in a few weeks. This was one of those, if I remember right, that started off being a brush painting, and I absolutely hated how it was turning out. I grabbed a knife, got to work, and laaaa..instant success. I was ready to ditch this painting, and now I love it. 🙂
Painting videos every Wednesday on Youtube. My blog is a week behind posting the latest video, so if you’re not subscribed, you’re missing out.
Also..Ayala is celebrating her 10th year blog anniversary with a giveaway!! Go check it out, and throw your name in the hat for a chance to win.
Something fun for a Monday
🙂 Something fun for a Monday.
It’s an oldie, but goody.
And, a nice reminder that you get what you pay for.
Pink bird series and a rant about Windows 10
I downloaded Windows 10 a few days ago when it came out, and all I’ve dealt with are viruses and malware ever since. I had a link in the favorites bar on all 3 browsers that said “sexy pictures” right after the install. !!! Thanks, Microsoft!! I’ve wasted so much time trying to fix it, and just when I think it’s fixed, bam..more crazy stuff happens – hijacked browser with popups and web pages opening all on their own. My computer was fine before the upgrade.
It only took me 3 days, and lots of other downloads to get rid of the viruses and malware. Of course, Windows Defender never picked anything up. No surprise there.
I know now more than ever, I AM BUYING A MAC, and then I will never have to deal with Windoze again. Ever since Windows 7, the company has really gone down hill. Vista, XP, Windows 8. I’ve dealt with all of them. Heck, I was even around for Windows 2.0, which was a reallllly long time ago. I have finally come to my senses. Wasting time and money on junk is not my thing anymore. I know Apple is far from perfect (I’m a geek, I spend a lot of time reading about tech), but..given the alternative, it’s looking pretty good to me.
Windows 10 is a step above 8.1, for sure. But, c’mon..Windows 8 was an absolute joke. Anything is better than that horrid mess.
Hey, if you don’t mind being spied on, Win 10 is darn near perfect. Don’t get me started on the privacy policies. There’s already enough being written about it here, here, here. There’s a lot more if you Google it. I highly suggest you learn how to protect yourself. All that glitters isn’t gold, and Cortana looks like a fun new toy (I was excited about it for about 3 seconds), but I immediately shut it off. It’s nothing but glorified spyware. Here’s how I turned it off. This is my favorite step –
Go to Settings – Privacy and turn off everything that looks dodgy
Here’s the thing..EVERYTHING looked dodgy to me, and it’s all turned off now. However, I just checked my settings again, and found many things turned back on. Don’t tell me you have to change the settings every time you restart the computer. If that’s the case, I’m going to the nearest Apple store TODAY. Forget ordering it online.
I think it absolutely stinks to have a lot of apps installed that I can’t uninstall, Xbox. I’m a grown ass woman. I don’t play Xbox. I will NEVER play Xbox, but I can’t uninstall the app from MY computer. The computer I bought with MY own money. “The things you own end up owning you.” Famous line from Fight Club, one of my favorite movies. So true. It owns me alright.
So, good luck! I think we’re all going to need it. It’s only going to get worse from here on out. Once you have Windows 10, your computer will update automatically (once a year from what I read), whether you want it upgraded or not. You have no choice in the matter. Ahh, choices. I remember having those once upon a time. Those were the good ole days now gone forever.
On the easel
My husband bought me some large canvas for my birthday, and I’ve spent about a week working on this one so far. I think it’s 30×40..something like that. I have a hard time remembering numbers off the top of my head.
It’s almost finished. I’m going to fill in the top right a little bit, and probably call it done. This one won’t be for sale. I’m keeping it for myself, since the canvas was a gift, and I hardly ever paint just for me. I’ll probably offer prints of it at some point.
I meant to take photos throughout the making of this painting, but once I get going, it’s hard to remember to stop. My plan was a complete fail. So, all I have to show of the process is this one photo. Lame, I know. Maybe next time?
I’m so glad July is over with. Was it just me or did it seem to drag on forever?
New portrait painting video
My art journals are mostly used for a little warmup painting before working on canvas. I practice this most every day because if I go to the canvas cold, I usually make a lot of mistakes right away. Sometimes, I turn the camera on while I’m painting these pages, and I share them here with you.
Yup, I knew her mouth was off centered. It should have been more to her right. I debated whether to erase my lines, and start over again. I quickly decided to leave it alone because the purpose of my journal isn’t to be perfect. It’s just to get paint moving around, and frankly, I don’t care what the outcome is. I’ve gone waaaay past all that, and now I’m free.
Pink and yellow roses
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