New in my Miz Katie shop!!
Like Minded
(They showed up wearing the same dress)
Acrylic figure painting
Available for purchase here
Mixed Media Artist - daily painter of portraits, flowers, abstracts and birds
New in my Miz Katie shop!!
Like Minded
(They showed up wearing the same dress)
Acrylic figure painting
Available for purchase here
I always think it’s so cute when I see Maude being affectionate to Harold. It doesn’t happen a lot, so I adore this photo of her hugging him. It’s usually Harold hugging Maude. He’s more affectionate and needier than Maude. She doesn’t mind all his attention, but rarely gives it back in return..she’s a selfish little taker, not a giver of her love. haha Come to think of it, she’s the same way with me. Everything must be done exactly Maude’s way. She ain’t got time for me otherwise.
tree outside my office
Spring is so fickle. One day it’s 90F, and the next day it’s 45F. The poor leaves are so confused, and so am I. One day I’ll be wearing shorts, and the next day, I need a hoodie. brrr.
oil palette
I might be a little quieter (word-wise) this week because I’m working on another commissioned painting. I’ll still have some photos to post, tho. I’ve been enjoying these photo blogs I’ve been doing lately, and will keep it up. I’ve often thought of turning this into a photoblog only, no writing. It’s really not best for seo, and ranking on Google, tho.
rain on my studio window
We had a crazy storm here last night/early morning. Ping ball size hail, and straight line winds from 63 to 89 mph were reported. I felt our house lift during one huge gust. Poor little Harold was sitting beside me, and he went flying off the couch. He was terrified. Trees are down, roofs blown off, buildings completely blown over, brick buildings have missing walls, and there are power outages all over the city. A restaurant at the end of our street is now gone, except for one wall. It’s quite a mess. They’re saying power may not be restored until Monday. We were very lucky, and have no damage to the house or vehicles. We also didn’t lose power, but we did lose wifi for about 4 hours this afternoon.
Sweet Pea slept through the whole thing, and so did my husband.
full moon last month
Harold and Maude
heart rocks
Hope you have a happy weekend!
If you’re in the path of the storms tonight, please stay safe.
A painter should begin every canvas with a wash of black, because all things in nature are dark except where exposed by the light.
Leonardo da Vinci
Art journal pages
Remember a couple months ago, I said I didn’t like Mad Men because it moved very slowly, and I couldn’t get into it? Well, I decided to give it another chance, and they say the third time never fails..or at least that’s what my mom used to say. I started binge watching, which I’m convinced is the only way to watch a series because nobody got time to wait an entire week for a new episode of anything anymore. Now, I’m obsessed with the show, and hate that it’s ending soon.
Did you notice how Netflix messed up, and put up all episodes of season 7 online, even the new shows that haven’t aired on tv yet? They’ve since taken them down, so I have to wait, and watch along with everyone else. We don’t have cable, so I’ll either be watching on AMC, if I can, or I’ll have to wait for Netflix. In the meantime, I’m going to start a new series..I’m leaning towards Scandal. I’ve seen a couple episodes, and liked it.
Linking to Paint Party Friday
I started working on a commissioned painting yesterday. You might be thinking, ‘I didn’t know she does commissions’. I do. I also take wholesale orders. However, I am very picky about whom I work with these days, having been burned on commissions several times, and almost burned on a couple wholesale orders just in the past couple months..remind me to tell the wholesale stories sometime.
The worst, emotionally, was when I was either set up or scammed by a friend’s daughter 3 or 4 years ago. I didn’t see it coming. Daughter approached me three weeks before Christmas, and asked me to paint her newborn son for her friend, the baby’s grandmother. I didn’t really know the daughter, but her mother and I wrote email back and forth to each other all day, every day. We were super close or so I thought, but you never really know anyone, do you?
It was very short notice for a custom painting, and I knew I’d have to work fast and tirelessly, but I couldn’t say no. So, I dropped everything, and worked on the painting nonstop, around the clock, until I finished it, and that’s when everything started going south quickly. Daughter told me the check is in the mail, so please ship the painting. She kept checking back in with me to see if I had shipped it yet. I kept checking my post office box, and there was no check. Several days went by, and I asked her when I should expect the check. “It’s in the mail, so just ship the painting now so I can give it to my mother on Christmas.” In a rush she was, but I knew better than to do that. I don’t ship anything I’m commissioned to paint until I’m paid, friend or no friend. I was growing more suspicious by the day. Days turned into weeks.
She made excuse after excuse..the baby was keeping her up all night..she thought she had written it, but hadn’t..she thought she had mailed it, what did she do with it? It must be lost on her desk somewhere. Every time she emailed me, she had another excuse. It was ridiculous. I remember saying to her, okay, write the check RIGHT NOW then, and get it in the mail. Write me back after you mail it, and give me a tracking number. She never replied. Christmas came and went. I thought of my friend all day Christmas, thinking how it could have turned out so differently, and she could be deciding where to hang the painting. Instead, this. By now, my friend and I had stopped emailing one another. I don’t know what daughter told her, but whatever it was, she turned against me. I was heartbroken. How this could happen to me from someone I thought I could trust?
I have always thought it was the daughter’s way of coming between her mother and me. She was jealous and wanted our friendship to end. Either that or she was a scammer trying to get a free Christmas gift for her mother. I never could decide which it was, but if she wanted to end our friendship, she won. If she wanted a free gift, she failed. Either way, I hope it was worth it to her.
Not too long after that, I got ripped off by a grandmother on a commission of her granddaughter. Grandma loved the painting, but she thought $150 for 2 weeks worth of work was waaaay too much. She wouldn’t pay. I got stuck with a custom painting nobody else would buy AGAIN. I wasted two weeks of time, plus paint and materials that I could have been using on other paintings. Another very valuable lesson learned there. Do not trust friends, and do not trust grandmothers.
haha Joking!! 🙂 It’s good I can laugh about it now. At the time, I was pretty ticked off.
There are more stories I could tell, but needless to say, there’s a reason I am picky about whom I choose to work with, and the subject matter I paint. More on this subject to come.
The most expensive art supply I own – Dorland’s Wax.
Harold wasn’t crazy about the price of the wax, either. Okay, maybe he wasn’t crazy about my noisy camera shutter waking him up. If looks could kill, I’d be dead, right? Grr!!
Dandelion that Greg picked for me back in January.