I’m going to leave you with one of my videos to watch. Don’t forget to subscribe, and I’ll keep making more. 🙂
Mixed Media Artist - daily painter of portraits, flowers, abstracts and birds
I’m going to leave you with one of my videos to watch. Don’t forget to subscribe, and I’ll keep making more. 🙂
She Won’t Let Go No 2
Oil portrait painting
Girl and her chicken
Prints are available here
You might remember this one from last summer. I ended up finishing this oil portrait painting months ago, but I neglected to write a blog post about it.
She Won’t Let Go No 1 resides in Germany. The difference between the two paintings is great. The first one I did while I was taking a class with Misty Mawn years ago. Our assignment was to paint an animal. I’m not sure why I picked a chicken, but I did. I think I actually wanted to paint my favorite animal, a cat, but I know I’m not good at painting cats, so it stopped me from trying.
The first one was painted in acrylics. This one started out being painted in acrylics, but I quickly switched over to oils after the first layer. The acrylics just weren’t cutting it for this piece. It demanded a more sophisticated look, so oils it had to be.
Speaking of oils, I’ve been having trouble holding myself back from using them lately, but it’s usually something I use during the spring and summer months only. I like to have a bit of ventilation when I’m painting in oils because they give me a headache. Now that the weather has warmed back up into the 50s, 60s, and almost 70 the other day, I just might crack a window, and have at it. I need a fix.
Here’s a video of me painting the girl and her chicken. I’m linking to it just in case it doesn’t come through in the email for my subscribers. Speaking of subscribing, if you haven’t subscribed to my youtube channel then you’re missing out. I’ve been on a roll, and have been uploading a video every couple days. I don’t always remember or feel it’s necessary/relevant to post every video I make here. It’s best if you subscribe, so you don’t miss out.
Also, if you haven’t subscribed to my blog, you can do so below.
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 185
Reading: I found this cool site called Vintage Junk Journals that I’ve been perusing. Lots of great information there if you’re thinking about starting an art journal or even if you’re been keeping an art journal for years, like me.
Those of you with WordPress blogs who have been leaving comments..thank you! I appreciate you stopping by, and I would love to visit you in return, but this is what I’m seeing whenever I click on the link to your blog. I don’t know if your blog is actually protected or if this is some kind of WordPress bug, but I’m stuck behind this wall.
I’m linking to Art Journal Journey for this post.
Taking a Position
Acrylic portrait painting
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 183
Prints are available here
Success seems to be largely a matter
of hanging on after others have let go.
– William Feather
I often wonder what she’s thinking about when she stares at me so intently. I think most of the time she’s plotting to kill me in my sleep, but I could be wrong. lol
This is the acrylic abstract painting from last month getting sealed with Dorland’s wax. I’ll have it available as soon as I edit the photos, and get it listed.
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 184
Reading: Family Shares Photoshop Fail of Professional Portraits Gone Hilariously Wrong – I didn’t realize this had gone viral, but when I showed it to my husband he immediately said “FAKE NEWS”. I don’t know..what do you think?
Halfway In
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 181
Halfway Out
acrylic portrait painting & video
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 182
Today I celebrate a milestone. I have reached day 182, which means I’ve been painting daily for 6 months now. Wow! I’m halfway in, halfway out. Halfway to the finish line. Only 6 more months to go before I get a day off. Um..perhaps it’s best if I don’t think of it that way. Makes me feel exhausted. lol
I made this 6 months of daily painting video to track my progress so far.
I’ve already started planning what I’m going to do to celebrate when I do finally make it to day 365. Knowing me, I’ll probably take a long afternoon nap, and then get back to work. I’m not one to rest on my laurels.
Acrylic portrait in my art journal
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 174
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
I started to flirt with a change in my diet right before Thanksgiving. The change has been making me feel so great, and have such high energy levels, it’s making it impossible to sleep. Not complaining, just find it amusing that instead of the cats keeping me up all night, I’m now keeping them up. haha I went to bed three times the other night, and got back up three times to go paint.
This is a portrait I painted in my art journal. Can’t say she looks all that amused to be up at 3am, but hey..what can I say? I needed some company. haha
Art journal portrait painting video
Holy moly, it’s brutally cold outside. -25F wind chill is the predicted forecast for overnight and tomorrow. Schools have already called off. I’ve lived here a long time, and have never seen it this cold before. Pretty crazy, especially since it was 60F yesterday.
Keep Singing
Prints available here
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 132
So Proud of You
Prints available here
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 133
Making Progress
Prints available here
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 134
Prints available here
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 135
This concludes all the paintings I did in November. What a month it was, full of portrait paintings and a mini book. Wow!! No wonder I feel tired. Here I was thinking I didn’t give it enough effort because my focus was elsewhere (painting the kitchen, cooking two Thanksgiving dinners, and having company over the holiday). Wrong!! It was an incredibly productive month. I’m shocked at the outcome.
Mini book
November 2017
Portrait Paintings
November 2017
I go nap now? Ok, buh bye. Nite Night. zzzzz
I’ll see you on Saturday night with the start of my new theme for December – 5 minute painting. I’m 6 days in right now, and I’ve made a few observations, which I’m going to share with you. I’ve been blogging every day, and scheduling the posts. Not sure if I’ll do this the entire 30 days..depends if I have anything to say or not. We’ll see.
I’m now accepting custom book page portrait painting,
which I’ll paint using your photo for reference.
Order here!
I have time to get about 5 paintings finished in time for the holiday, but you must hurry and order within the next couple days. Delivery can not be guaranteed if you live outside the USA.