Another one like it is available here
Every week I share my favorite finds with you, so here’s some interesting websites I’ve been perusing lately..
12 ways to make an art studio at home even if you don’t have room.
Did you know that Etsy toys with its site at least 50 times a day?
How Finding the Right Community Can Help Your Creativity
Bang & Lessin from simpleandfunctional on Vimeo
This couple makes abstract paintings together, and it’s fascinating to see how they work. As I watched, I kept wondering if I could work with my husband like this. By the time the video was over, I was sure the answer is no. haha
I had no idea so many people with chronic back pain, like me, prefer to sleep on the floor. There are benefits to this lifestyle. I tried it for a couple nights, and it was a weird experience. I didn’t sleep long, maybe 2 or 3 hours, but I did feel well rested on that little sleep. It was quite painfully uncomfortable, which is why I couldn’t stay there long. I’m not sure it’s for me, but I might take some naps on the floor now and then. I think it helped align my back and spine because I was walking much straighter the next day.
I’ve been reading a lot about kefir and kombucha, and the benefits of a cultured diet for curing food allergies and autoimmune diseases. I’m giving it a try.