Oil Floral Painting
Impasto palette knife
Pink Roses, pink background
Flower Series No 128
Available for purchase here
When I first started using a lot of pink in my paintings, I wasn’t sure I liked the color. Pink used to be my favorite color as a kid, but I thought I had outgrown it. Thing is it grew on me, and now, all the pink ones are my favorites. Funny how that goes, eh?
I’ve noticed that colors I used to use a lot when painting portraits, I no longer use..like burnt umber, burnt sienna. I suppose I could, but I want my floral paintings to be light and bright, cottage chic style. One of these days real soon I’m going to do a black and white monochrome floral though. I have the canvas prepped for it and everything. Just have to get in there and do it. Roar!! I have no idea what the roar is about, but that’s what my fingers typed, and it’s staying.
Day 7 of 30 in 30