Large 16×20 stretched canvas
Acrylic impasto still life floral painting
Flower Series No 149
Available for purchase directly through me here
Mixed Media Artist - daily painter of portraits, flowers, abstracts and birds
I’ve been playing in my art journal with oil sticks, pastels, and chalk. Oh, and paint, too. I made a huge ugly mess. It was so fun. 🙂 I hope you’re taking some time this week to play, too. Let me know in the comments what your favorite art journaling tools are. I’m curious.
Last night I picked up some charcoal sticks, the fat square ones. I bought them more than a year ago, and haven’t used them much. Without planning to I somehow got lost in drawing for about an hour. It was a little weird. If you know me, you know I don’t like drawing. It’s one of my least favorite things to do, but I got swept away.
And, one final thing before I dash’ve probably seen this photo before, but it’s so cute..hard to resist posting it again.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Harold and Maude
Acrylic impasto floral painting
Flower Series No 147
Available for purchase here
The sky has been overcast all day. I opened up the curtains in my studio to let what little light there was out there in, and turned up all the lights. I started painting blue sky, and white puffy clouds landscape paintings in oils. Now it’s all bright and sunny out there to match my paintings. Funny how that worked out, huh?
Kitty story time
ICYMI last week on FB..
Harold, Maude and Sweet Pea got a new box. Not everyone fit in it, as you can see. Harold with his butt hanging cute!! I soon learned it was a huge mistake to give them a box that they all couldn’t play in because there was much tension and jealousy. A fight broke out, and Sweet Pea chased the little ones away, and this is what happened next..
Poor little girl tried to fit, but got frustrated when she could only get half way in. It stinks to be a full size kitty, she tells me. Or, so I think that’s what those growls meant. It’s hard to decipher kitty speak some days. Nonetheless, the tiny box got thrown out with yesterday’s trash, and soon the household was peaceful once again. Well, as peaceful as it can be these days, anyway.
To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring.
George Santayana
This is an acrylic floral painting on canvas panel. It was painted impasto style with palette knives. Blue and white flowers. Pink and white background. Flower Series No 146 is available for purchase here.
And, a cute, short video of the kittens.
This is Flower Series No 145. Pink and white roses in a pink vase. Pink and white background. It’s an impasto palette knife painting on canvas panel. Available for purchase here.
I am going to slow things down a bit this month. There are only 28 days, and I want to enjoy each one instead of rushing through them. January felt so hurried. I produced paintings, photographed them, listed them, marketed them, and blogged them every day, day in and day out. Towards the end, I felt more like a robot, rather than human.
Time to change things up a little, and take some time off. I want to wake up slowly, and let my dreams linger, instead of cutting them off, and making a mad dash for my studio. I want to sip my coffee in the morning, instead of gulping it down. I have a stack of books I want to read, but can never find the time. I want to start walking every morning now that I have a new treadmill. So, for the next 28 days, the studio can wait. It’s me time!
Oh, sure, I’ll be painting, also, but all 28 mornings are mine for the entire month. There is more to life than painting. I have to remind myself of this every so often because I forget.
Now that the 30/30 challenge is over, my blog posts will be schedule for 7-9pm central time. I will be blogging often, but not every day. If you don’t want to keep checking back, you can sign up to get my posts delivered to your inbox for free. Check the sidebar for more info, and don’t forget to confirm your email address.
30 paintings in 30 days
Floral and bird paintings.
Landscape paintings, and a figure painting, too.
January 2015
I’m not going to lie. January was a trying month. There’s a strange flu bug thing going around this year. I got sick, and then got better. Then I got sick again, then better, then flat out dreadfully S I C K, then progressively better for 4 days straight. Then, along came yesterday, when I woke up sick again. It was rather discouraging, and a bit depressing, but somehow today, I’m better. Go figure, right? I feel like I’ve been tossed around like a yoyo.
I was finally going to leave the house for the first time in a week on Wednesday, but my car battery was dead. Dead as a doornail dead. Did I also say our dryer died, and had to be replaced? One step forward, and two backwards has been what January’s been about. So, in some ways it was a looong month, but at the same time, I can’t believe the 30 in 30 challenge is over. Whew! Just when I thought it would never end, it’s now history. Despite everything, I stuck with it, and finished all 30 paintings.
Hello, February. I sure hope you’re kinder to me than January. I’m going to be doing something different this month, a different challenge. Stay tuned to see what’s coming around the bend.