Dark Evening
oil portrait painting
Available here
How ’bout that time change, huh? Sometimes it takes forever for me to adjust, and other times I hardly notice a difference. I think this is going to be one of those more difficult times. I know it’s only been two days, but so far, I’m waking up too early, and have everything done by 9am. I look at the clock, like now what? I look at the clock again after what seems like 4 or 5 hours have passed, and it’s only 9:15 am. ha!
I don’t know how one little hour can throw my little world so off kilter, but it did. Last night I was yawning, and ready to sleep by 8pm when I’m normally up until 1 or 2am. My body is ready to hibernate like a bear. It seems silly to feel so discombobulated. Thank goodness for warm sunny days this week to help me acclimate.
Newly revised
Cherry blossoms & bowl of cherries
Available here
Life is Too Short
Small to large prints are available here
Artist I’m admiring..
“If you show your art, if you take the risk, there is a chance that some will not see you through your art, but see themselves. If you take the risk, there is a chance that your art will change someone’s life forever, there is a chance that it will help them see what’s beneath the surface of their own mind. That’s the greatest achievement you can hope for as an artist.”