Hold on Tight
Oil portrait painting
Available here
What I’m watching: Dina – this is a sweet documentary about love and marriage between an autistic man and a woman with Asperger’s syndrome.
What I’m reading: Stones from the River by Ursula Hegi
Covid numbers are surging in my county, up over 17% in a week..seems like I write the same thing every few days. Up, uP, UP. I sound like a broken record. My local news claims this is one of the worst counties in the US. I don’t know if that’s true or if all local news is saying the same thing because the numbers are bad everywhere.
Between covid and the election, I’m in desperate need of a distraction. I wanted something I could really sink my teeth into, so I picked one of my favorite books on my shelf to re-read. It’s a 1000+ page series of 4 books, so it will keep me busy for a while.