Baby Harold and Maude kitties
This will surely make you smile. 🙂
Remember the problem I said I had with filming videos because I gave my video camera away, and my dslr camera lcd window doesn’t swing out like a video camera. If I set the tripod on the table like I used to, there’s no way I can tell how far I’m zoomed in or even if the camera pointed right. Well! I found the answer to that little problem with this horizontal arm for my tripod. I can keep the tripod on the floor where I can see the lcd screen, and extend the camera out over the table. Sooo cool!! I ordered one, and it was delivered last week, which means I have started making painting videos again. I’m not sure how much time I have to put into it, but I might be able to do one a week. We’ll see. No promises, but I thought it would be a way to keep me active in my art journals again, which I wrote about struggling with earlier this week. And, I’m thisclose to finishing 3 books that I have been working on now for months, and I really want to get them done. I need to take photos of each one, and upload them here. I just realized I don’t have any of my art journals on my site, so I have to fix that.
Please note: if the horizontal arm is anything you’d be interested in, just be forewarned. If your camera is heavy, it will tip the tripod over. I think the trick is to not extend the arm too far, and use a 55mm lens or anything with the least amount of weight. Large lens will make it topple over, and smash your camera into the table..unless you sandbag your tripod, which I am considering doing just to make it more secure.