Boy in oils
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
What’s with all the mind chatter? I’ve only just begun this long tedious process, and my brain is blah blah blahing at me. sigh. QUIET!!! PLEASE!!! I can’t hear my real self think. Gee. Whatever, brain. My hands can’t move fast enough for you today. I see.
Brighter Days are Coming
😉 I hope you’re not struggling with your brain, and have a much quieter inner dialogue going on. It makes for a rough studio day when the hands, eye, and brain are all fighting against one another, viciously.
Sweet Pea!!
If it looks like I was about to be attacked, it’s because I was.
I got a little too close to her chair.
Swoosh with the claws.
Oh, that Sweet Pea!