© Katie Jeanne Wood
Jar of Fireflies
5×7 on museum quality splined canvas
Available here
Prints are available here
daily painting: 365 day art project
Day 321
I’m pretty sure this is my favorite painting of the year so far. I didn’t set out to paint a jar of fireflies, it was actually suppose to be a jar of strawberry jam that went terribly wrong. One of my cats, most likely Maudie, was snooping around my work table in the middle of the night, and spilled green ink all over this painting. The next morning, when I found it, and tried to clean it up, it was too late. The green was there to stay.
I love happy accidents, especially ones that remind me of my childhood, my Mom (who taught me about lightning bugs, and let me have a jar of them in my room. I swear I stayed up all night watching them light up my room. It was pure magic), and the dog days of summer (which seems to have come before summer is officially here this year).
I know, technically, there should be a lid on the jar, but I wanted the fireflies to have the freedom to come and go as they please, and not be trapped inside the jar in my painting forever. And, yes, those are big and small planets you see in the background. 🙂