acrylic on canvas, 12×12, landscape
Available here
Small to large prints available here
I’ve been wanting to post this painting for a couple weeks, but I knew I needed to update the photos first. Sooo, yesterday morning I was determined to get this one done finally, but there was only one problem..I couldn’t find the painting. I searched everywhere, which in hindsight was a good thing because it prompted me to get organized. The entire upstairs got a good cleaning, and I now have my collection of finished paintings all in one place. I can easily locate them when needed.
I didn’t take photos of the boxed up paintings, not much to see there, really, but I did capture this huge pile of shipping materials that now sits in the corner of my office. I probably should tell you that my house was built in 1920 or there about. I don’t think people had a lot of stuff back then, like we do now. There’s only one closet in the house, which is downstairs. It’s a nice big walk in, but it’s pretty full. If I had a closet up here, I’d have all this crap stored away, out of sight. I don’t have that luxury, tho. It’s a bit of an eyesore, but it’s my office. Nobody will have to look at it everyday, except me.
Most of these are brand new boxe$$$, and a few recycled ones that I hold onto in case I need a different size than normal. You never know when someone might buy 6 paintings all at once, and I like to combine shipping when I’m able. I also have huge boxes full of bubble envelopes in different sizes, and stiff cardboard envelopes in various sizes. I keep some of these out in my shipping room in the cabinet, and the extras in my office. I also have a huge stack of new flattened boxes behind my office door for the large paintings, and a gigantic roll of bubble wrap under my workbench in my studio. When I got it all sorted, I realized I have several hundred of dollars in shipping materials. I literally have a package available for every size painting I paint. Also, what isn’t pictured here are all the Priority mail boxes in different sizes on the other side of the room. I’m prepared, y’all. If I get an order today, no matter what it is, I can ship it out without a problem.
shipping room
In the process of moving stuff around, I decided to make a separate shipping room again out in the hallway. The sitting area I created out there last year wasn’t being used. I don’t know why I thought I’d lounge around while I’m working. Never happened. I moved my long table out there (had to take the legs off to fit it through the office door, what a pain) and shelves full of yet more shipping supplies. Voila! Shipping room/writing desk area. My office looks huge now that I moved all this stuff out, and a lot less cluttered. Whew.
Long story short, I now have everything in its place, and the stored paintings are labeled by sizes, and either marked MK or KJ depending on which shop they belong to. I don’t think I’ve ever been more organized, and it feels great. Btw, I found the painting I was looking for in the process.