If you’ve tried recently to purchase something from my store here on my site, and it hasn’t gone through, I apologize. A very kind, patient woman emailed me Saturday to let me know there was an issue at checkout. It had to do with me offering free shipping, oddly enough.
It was kinda funny this happened at the very same time I was emailing another site because of the same issue. I couldn’t checkout there either. Turns out they also use WordPress, and offer free shipping.
If you’re using WP and Woo Commerce for your checkout cart, you might want to try purchasing something from yourself to make sure it’s working. If you get the message above, it’s an easy fix. I also had to add some code, so if this alone doesn’t work, keep digging for the answer. I can’t remember where I found the code or I’d link to it.
Anyway, it should be fixed now. The purchase went through. Yay! Thanks so much for letting me know, D. xo