I was notified a few weeks ago that my website hosting company is increasing the price $150 this year. Last year it increased $50, and I thought that was steep, but I paid it. This time around, I’ve been looking into other options. Long story short, I’ve decided not to renew my yearly hosting contract or find a new cheaper web host.
Instead, I started a new blog – Art By Miz Katie over on Substack to take the place of this one. I’ve thought about doing this for a couple years now, and the timing seems perfect. I’ll be able to focus on things I love to do, which is painting, and not have the constant headache, expense, and upkeep of a website.
If you want to continue receiving emails when I write a post, you’ll have to subscribe on Substack. It’s free. I don’t have the paywall turned on at this time.
You can also follow me there, but my understanding is you won’t receive emails when I post. If you have a Substrack account, my posts will show up in your feed, tho. I think?
As the time gets closer to my web host expiration date in mid March, I will redirect my site link katiejeanewood.com to my substack blog. So, if you type my link in your address bar, you’ll automatically be taken to Substack, instead of here. It will be another week or two before that happens.
This will most likely be my last time posting here, so I want to thank everyone who has been following me on this blog for so many years. I know some of you have been around since the beginning, and I hope to see you over at my new place soon. Go subscribe now, so you don’t forget. 🙂