oil on panel, landscape, 6×6
Available here
Small to large prints available here
Transferring your passion to your job is far easier than finding a job that happens to match your passion.
― Seth Godin
I learned an important lesson this morning..don’t schedule posts unless you’re absolutely sure you want them to be posted. Last night, I wrote a post for today, and scheduled it for 11am. This morning, I decided to revise it. I usually change the date on the post when this happens, as a precaution, and then change it back when I’m ready to post. Today I didn’t do that. I figured I could get it done on time, but as I was editing, and revising, my internet connection went down. I went into panic mode for a full 15 minutes because I had no idea when I had last saved the post or exactly what was going to post..some of my posts are complete mish mash until I edit them down. Some I just ramble on and on, and most of what I write gets deleted because gee, this isn’t my private journal, y’know? I get wordy, and forget sometimes. Luckily, my internet came back up, and my heart rate went down. My post is now where it should be until it’s ready to be posted..Wordpad.
On another note..it’s going to be 70F today. I hope it’s not going to be one of those years when it’s 80F on Christmas, and 90F in February. I hate when we don’t have winter here. :/