Floral Series No 207
Acrylic palette knife painting
Available for purchase here
We have an unknown distance yet to run, an unknown river to explore.
–John Wesley Powell
I bought the domain katiejeannewood.com this morning, and I’m redirecting the URL here. So now, either katiejeannewood.com or katiejeannewood.com will bring you here to my website. I figured Katie is a little easier to type or write than Katherine. When I sign the back of my paintings I always include my websites, so people can easily find me again. Sometimes, I don’t have a lot of space to write my long name, plus dot com at the end..so, this will make it easier on me, too. I’m all about making life easier.
Here are my Would You Rather questions, so you can get to know me better during this 30 in 30 challenge..
1. Would you rather drink a bowl full of gravy or have a large spider caught in your hair?
If the bowl of gravy is organic, not made from meat, GF, wheat free, and doesn’t contain maltodextrin, dextrin or artificial sweeteners, sure! Because large spiders make me nervous.
2. Would you rather fly on Air Force One with the president or have a minor recurring role on a popular television show?
Recurring role
3. Assuming you wake up with no memory of the night before, Would you rather discover that you had lost $75 or discover that you had an extra $300 but have no idea what you did to earn it?
Extra $300..must have sold a painting.
Day 19 of 30 in 30
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