Palette knife painting
Flower series No 32
Purple flowers in a tall white vase
9×12 on canvas
Original painting is available HERE
Back in the old days on the internet, about the only thing you could do is IRC chat in chat rooms. There weren’t many web sites at that time, so the big thing was to talk to people all over the country, and make new friends. I was living in Maine, and talking to someone in Tennessee was a HUGE deal. The biggest question I was asked was where I lived.
I remember I would make my background color black, and have lime green color font in my chatbox. When I was painting this one, that’s all I could think about..those old chat rooms, and how easy it was to get kicked out of one. haha And, oh, how those old monitors really killed my eyes (technically, “eye” because I’m blind in my left, but it looks weird to write it. You might think I’m a cyclops or something). And, on that note, I’m outta here! Sweet Pea’s got her head stuck in a tiny box, so I’ve got to go help her anyway. (technically, I helped her before writing that last sentence, but it sounds funnier the way I wrote it, so I’m leaving it alone)